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It was easy for them to say he’d climbed Mt Everest – they weren’t there. He rolled over in bed, onto his side, provoking a coughing fit. His souvenir from the Everest expedition. Deep, retching coughs that brought the taste of blood to the back of his mouth and made his eyes water. He rolled onto his stomach and grabbed for the glass on his bedside table, knowing water wouldn’t really help but willing to give it a go anyway. He slopped the liquid into his mouth, then coughed it back...

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Line in the Snow

Line in the Snow

As the days grew longer, so did the look of longing in her eyes. I’m an old man so I can see these things, but Jack missed it, the poor fool. He was too busy thinking about picking a ring in Jonestown and whether Pip Sullivan’s barn would be big enough for the reception. Lucy, meanwhile, was eyeing the sleigh she’d rode in on, watching the blanket of snow on Main Street growing thinner each day. I was over at the stables, sweeping up, the morning she left. He ran out of his store wearing...

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