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Something Like a Metaphor

Being with you is something like a metaphor – which is to say it’s a simile, because you can’t be like a metaphor. You either are or you are not metaphoric. You can be like a simile, but never actually be a simile – that’s more like a metaphor. Being with you is like being a metaphor – a metaphoric simile. Being with you is like a simile – in that it’s more like a metaphor for something else. But what?.. A simile. Being with you is a semantic nightmare. So a metaphor … or...

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Climate Change

A cold day is always better to numb a broken heart. So keep hold of what you love in the summer months – no one wants the fire of heartache magnified by forty degree heat. I know I would rather embrace my sorrow on a rainy Sunday as opposed to a scorching Tuesday. If you live in Darwin, I suggest never falling in love. But if doing so is inevitable, maybe you should move … to Melbourne.   Listen to an audio recording of this poem: Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or...

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